Acute Zone Nurse Manjula Edathil-Veedu was recently selected as an outstanding student and nominated for the annual Kristy Morton Award for achieving high standards while undertaking the College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand (CENNZ) triage course.
This Annual Report presents West Coast DHB’s financial and non-financial performance for the year ended 30 June 2022. Through the use of performance measures and indicators, this report highlights the extent to which we have met our obligations under Section 22 of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 and how we have given effect to our functions specified in Section 23 (1) (a) to (n) of the same Act.
The West Coast DHB focuses on the provision of services for our resident population that improve health outcomes, reduce inequalities in health status, and improve the delivery and effectiveness of the services provided.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this edition, read about Te Pae Tata (our opportunity) – the interim New Zealand Health Plan and the transfer of roles to Te Aka Whai Ora. There’s information about the code of expectations for health entities as well as a timely reminder to take care of yourself.
Also, in this edition, we shine the spotlight on the roll-out of the National Bowel Screening Programme on the Coast, celebrate the achievements of our Whānau Ora kaimahi and acknowledge Dr Alan Furniss’ recent award for excellence in rural practice.
There’s a quiz that tests your knowledge of human anatomy and information about MPX (monkeypox).
Main sections you will find in this edition of the West Coast Pānui:
The interim NZ Health Plan sets out the first two years of health system transformation to improve the health & wellbeing of all New Zealanders.
In this edition, read about the Te Whatu Ora Change Hub, which includes information about the working groups, work streams and the design process of the new health system operating model. There’s an update on our visitor restrictions as well as some helpful information about supporting healthcare workers through the pandemic. Also, in this edition, we welcome Dr Calvin Davis to the South Westland Area Practice team, shine the spotlight on Medical Laboratory Technician Harriet Hoeve as well as Immunisation Coordinator Jessie Chapman.There’s a quiz that tests your knowledge of medical-themed TV shows and movies and a delicious Curried Kumara Soup recipe.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this last CE Update (as we know it) before the change to Health New Zealand, Peter reflects on West Coast DHB and shares the goals of the new health system. These include more equitable and accessible healthcare that is cohesive and responsive to people of all communities.
Also, in this edition, we get tips and reminders about how to protect ourselves from colds, flu and viruses and stay well this winter.
This Annual Report presents West Coast DHB’s financial and non-financial performance for the year ended 30 June 2021. Through the use of performance measures and indicators, this report highlights the extent to which we have met our obligations under Section 22 of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 and how we have given effect to our functions specified in Section 23 (1) (a) to (n) of the same Act.
The West Coast DHB focuses on the provision of services for our resident population that improve health outcomes, reduce inequalities in health status, and improve the delivery and effectiveness of the services provided.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this edition of the CE Update, Peter Bramley talks about the importance of looking after ourselves and using the available supports when needed. He acknowledges the introduction of the National Bowel Screening Programme to the Coast and the mahi behind it’s rollout. He also touches on the efforts of our West Coast people and staff in supporting the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination programme.
This document is the DHB’s Annual Plan which has been prepared under the requirements of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act, Crown Entities Act, Public Finance Act, and the expectations of the Minister of Health.
Linking with our Statement of Intent, and System Level Measures Improvement Plan, the Annual Plan describes our strategic and operational goals in terms of improving the health of our population and ensuring the sustainability of our health system. It also highlights the actions we will take to deliver on national priorities and expectations in the coming year and presents our financial forecasts and our Statement of Performance Expectations for 2021/22.
The System Level Measures Framework was introduced by the Ministry of Health in 2016/17 and encourages a system-wide approach to improving health outcomes. It presents a core set of national
outcomes for the health sector to strive towards with the opportunity to identify a set of local quality improvement activities, aligned with each of the national outcomes.
This document is the WCDHB’s Statement of Performance Expectations which has been prepared to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act, Crown Entities Act, Public Finance Act, and the expectations of the Minister of Health.
Linking with our Statement of Intent and Annual Plan, the Statement of Performance Expectations describes actions we will take to deliver on national priorities and expectations in the coming year, the standards and targets we expect to meet and our includes our projected financial position.
The Statement of Performance Expectation is presented to Parliament and used at the end of the year to compare planned and actual performance. Audited results are presented in our Annual Report.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this edition of the CE Update, a word from Chief Executive Peter Bramley. Peter thanks everyone for his warm welcome to the West Coast DHB. He acknowledges the need to close the equity gaps along with ensuring that we continue to work in an integrated way with primary and community care and all the health care providers who make up the West Coast Health System.
This Annual Report presents West Coast DHB’s financial and non-financial performance for the year ended 30 June 2020. Through the use of performance measures and indicators, this report highlights the extent to which we have met our obligations under Section 22 of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 and how we have given effect to our functions specified in Section 23 (1) (a) to (n) of the same Act.
The West Coast DHB focuses on the provision of services for our resident population that improve health outcomes, reduce inequalities in health status, and improve the delivery and effectiveness of the services provided.
Focus on People is West Coast DHB’s Quality Accounts annual publication. This special 2020 edition aims to provide you with a snapshot of the work we have been doing over the past year to improve the health and wellbeing of Coasters.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this edition of the CE Update, Acting Chief Executive Andrew Brant thanks everyone for the warm welcome and introduction to the West Coast Health System. He talks about the implementation of a rural generalist model and touches on the official opening of Te Nīkau Hospital & Health Centre and future of Buller Health.
This document is the DHB’s Annual Plan which has been prepared to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act, Crown Entities Act, Public Finance Act, and the expectations of the Minister of Health.
Linking with our Statement of Intent, the Annual Plan describes our strategic goals and objectives in terms of improving the health of our population and ensuring the sustainability of our health system. It also contains our Statement of Performance Expectations for 2020/21 and the actions we will take to deliver on national priorities and expectations in the coming year.
This document is the WCDHB’s Statement of Performance Expectations which has been prepared to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act, Crown Entities Act, Public Finance Act, and the expectations of the Minister of Health.
Linking with our Statement of Intent and Annual Plan, the Statement of Performance Expectations describes actions we will take to deliver on national priorities and expectations in the coming year, the standards and targets we expect to meet and our includes our projected financial position.
The Statement of Performance Expectation is presented to Parliament and used at the end of the year to compare planned and actual performance. Audited results are presented in our Annual Report.
This 2020/21 System Level Measures Improvement Plan was drafted prior to the initiation of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The West Coast Health System’s current focus is on implementing our pandemic response in line with Ministry of Health directives, adapting delivery of health care to maintain essential services and ensuring we continue to prioritise support for our most vulnerable populations.
It is anticipated that as we move from the response phase to the recovery phase, our high level priorities will remain unchanged. However, there is likely to be a purposeful delay in progressing some actions and work so that resources can be directed to areas of higher priority.
Where capacity allows, our alliance groups are assessing their work plans and identifying which focus areas are of high priority. This will inform the development of a recovery plan that will highlight any substantial changes in the actions, timeframes and selected contributory measures in the West Coast’s 2020/21 System Level Measures Improvement Plan.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In the July edition of the CE Update, Chief Executive David Meates gives a special thanks to everyone on the Coast for waiting patiently for our long-awaited new facility, Te Nīkau, Grey Hospital & Health Centre. He also acknowledges the huge efforts everyone across the West Coast Health System put into our response to the COVID-19 pandemic response.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this edition of the CE Update, Chief Executive David Meates provides an update on the activities we have been undertaking as part of our preparedness for managing COVID-19 patients on the Coast. This includes information on the limits that have been placed on access to our facilities to protect our patients and frequently asked questions.
This document is our Annual Plan which has been prepared to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act, Crown Entities Act, Public Finance Act, and the expectations of the Minister of Health.
Linking with our Statement of Intent, this document sets out our strategic goals and objectives and describes what we aim to achieve in terms of improving the health of our population and ensuring the sustainability of our health system. It also contains our Statement of Performance Expectations for the coming year and actions we will take in response to national priorities and expectations in 2019/20.
Focus on People is West Coast DHB’s Quality Accounts annual publication. This special 2019 edition aims to provide you with a snapshot of the work we have been doing over the past year to improve the health and wellbeing of Coasters.
This Annual Report presents West Coast DHB’s financial and non-financial performance for the year ended 30 June 2019. Through the use of performance measures and indicators, this report highlights the extent to which we have met our obligations under Section 22 of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 and how we have given effect to our functions specified in Section 23 (1) (a) to (n) of the same Act.
The West Coast DHB focuses on the provision of services for our resident population that improve health outcomes, reduce inequalities in health status, and improve the delivery and effectiveness of the services provided!
The System Level Measures Framework was introduced by the Ministry of Health in 2016/17 and encourages a system-wide approach to improving health outcomes.
It presents a core set of national outcomes for the health sector to strive towards with the opportunity to identify a set of local contributory measures, aligned with each of the national outcomes.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter. In this issue: Wellbeing Budget, West Coast Health Facilities Update and more…
The West Coast DHB Annual Plan 2018/2019 sets out our strategic goals and objectives, and describes what we aim to achieve in terms of improving the health of our population and ensuring a sustainable future for our health system. It also contains our Statement of Performance Expectations for the coming year.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter. In this issue: WCDHB announces name of new health facilities in Greymouth and more.
Whataroa Clinic Roster for February 2025
Hari Hari Clinic Roster for February 2025
Haast Clinic Roster for February 2025
Franz Josef Glacier Clinic Roster for February 2025
Fox Glacier Clinic Roster for February 2025
Summer Holiday Preparations
Healthy Summer Lifestyle
Phone Prescription Policy
Urgent Primary Care Clinic
Primary Care Physiotherapy
Lake Brunner Clinic
Season’s Greetings
Whataroa Clinic Roster for January 2025
Hari Hari Clinic Roster for January 2025
Haast Clinic Roster for January 2025
Franz Josef Glacier Clinic Roster for January 2025
Fox Glacier Clinic Roster for January 2025
1. Te Nīkau Overview:
– A modern facility offering a range of healthcare services including planned appointments, urgent care, patient monitoring, and emergency stabilization.
2. Emergency Department (ED) Pathways:
– Immediate care for life-threatening conditions (e.g., heart attacks, strokes) means you’ll be taken straight to a bed.
– If assessed as safe to wait, you may undergo tests like ECGs or X-rays before being seen by the ED team.
3. Primary Care Clinic Pathways:
– If your condition is non-urgent, you may receive a same-day appointment or be scheduled for a future visit with the appropriate clinician.
4. Waiting Process:
– The waiting area can be busy. If your condition worsens, inform the nurse. Waiting times are based on clinical priority.
5. Payment Information:
– Consultations are free for enrolled patients under 14 and for sexual health appointments for under-25s. Regular fees apply for others. Payments can be made at Main Reception.
6. Hours of Operation:
– Hospital services operate 24/7. Planned care is available 8 am – 8 pm, Monday to Friday. For after-hours care, contact Ka Ora at 0800 252 672.
Showing 1-40 of 1272 results, page 1 of 32.
Page last updated: 8 August 2019
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