CEO Expenses 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 for West Coast DHB.
The purpose of regular public disclosure of Chief Executive’s (CE) expenses is to provide transparency and accountability for discretionary expenditure by CEs of Public Service departments and statutory Crown entities.
All expenses for items experienced, used or declined by CEs in performing their role are required to be disclosed, whether paid by credit card or invoiced.
This includes expenses for more personal undertakings, such as professional development expenditure, in addition to outgoings forthe likes of travel and entertainment. CE expenses are not generally regarded as personal or commercially sensitive. Refer to the Ombudsman Guide to Chief Executive Expenses for guidance.
Business or corporate expenses for the organisation that are met from the CE’s budget or paid by his /her credit card are excluded.
Expense disclosures cover the full period of the report, and are completed by each CE. including Acting CEs.