Focus on People is West Coast DHB’s Quality Accounts annual publication. This special 2019 edition aims to provide you with a snapshot of the work we have been doing over the past year to improve the health and wellbeing of Coasters.
Articles in this newsletter include:
- A quick word
- Going and staying smokefree through the West Coast Smokefree Pregnancy and Newborn Incentive Programme
- Making your wishes known
- Connecting care helping to improve consumer experience
- Use of point of care testing device saves time and money
- We are on the move from old to new facilities
- A new approach to delivering diabetes care benefiting Māori and Pasifika
- Preventing pressure injuries is the business of all health care professionals
- West Coast Alliance focused on whole of health system approach to design and delivery
- Digital patient observation and alert response system implemented across the Coast
- Cancer Kōrero booklet
- Bacterial bug from the Middle Ages makes a comeback – but ‘Middle Age spread’ is easily avoided
- WellFood now operating on the Coast
- Urgent after-hours care