All hospital visitors are recommended to wear a medical face mask. For more information about visiting: Visitors and family. See our COVID-19 page for general COVID-19 advice, detailed hospital visiting guidelines and COVID-19 tests.

See West Coast COVID-19 vaccination clinics for info on vaccinations link COVID-19 Vaccination • West Coast • Healthpoint

Last updated:
16 September 2022

Fewer visitor restrictions now apply

For visitors to all facilities (effective from and last updated on 16 September 2022)

Some visitor restrictions for all Te Whatu Ora Te Tai o Poutini West Coast health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and so people must continue to wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and other visitors safe.

Kia whakahaumaru te whānau, me ngā iwi katoa – this is to keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people must not visit our facilities if they are unwell. Do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients in single rooms may have more than one visitor while patients in multi-bed rooms can have one visitor only per patient to ensure there is no overcrowding.
  • People can have one or two support people to accompany them to outpatients appointments.
  • Women in labour in a birthing suite, in Te Nīkau Hospital’s Maternity Ward and in Buller’s Kawatiri Maternity Unit can have the usual support people, subject to space, for the duration of their stay in our facilities.
  • Eating or drinking at the bedside is at the discretion of the Clinical Nurse Manager. Visitors must not eat or drink in multibed rooms because of the increased risk when multiple people remove their mask in the same space.
  • Hand sanitiser is available and must be used.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Mask wearing

  • Surgical/medical masks must be worn at all sites, except in counselling, mental health and addiction services where it’s on a case-by-case agreement with patients. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one. In higher-risk environments, people, including young children, may not be able to visit if they cannot wear a mask.
  • Any member of the public with a mask exemption is welcome in all our facilities when attending to receive health care and *treatment. Please show your mask exemption card and appointment letter to staff at the entrance. *Treatment includes coming into the Emergency Department, outpatient appointments, surgery or a procedure.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People are able to visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear an N95 mask – this will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Other methods of communication will be facilitated e.g. phone, Facetime, Zoom, WhatsApp etc where visits aren’t possible.

You must NOT visit our facilities if you

  • are COVID-19 positive
  • are unwell. Please stay home if you have a tummy bug or cold or flu/COVID-19-like symptoms (even if you’ve tested negative for COVID-19).

Te Whatu Ora West Coast Aged Residential Care facilities

Visitors are welcome at our Aged Care Residential facilities, subject to the space available. All visitors must wear a surgical mask.

More COVID-19 information


53 documents.

Board Meeting – Friday, 10 December 2021

Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board meeting Friday, 10 December 2021 meeting


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Advisory Committee Meeting – 25 November 2021

Advisory Committee Papers for 25 November 2021 Meeting


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Tatau Pounamu Meeting papers for November 2021

Tatau Pounamu Advisory Group meeting papers for 12 November 2021 meeting at Board Meeting Room, Corporate Services, Te Nīkau Hospital and Health Centre and via Zoom


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Tatau Pounamu Meeting papers for October 2021

Tatau Pounamu Advisory Group meeting papers for 15 October 2021 meeting at Board Meeting Room, Corporate Services, Te Nīkau Hospital and Health Centre and via Zoom


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Board Meeting – Friday, 5 November 2021

Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board meeting Friday, 5 November 2021 meeting


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Board Meeting – Friday, 24 September 2021

Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board meeting Friday, 24 September 2021 meeting


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Tatau Pounamu Meeting papers for September 2021

Tatau Pounamu Advisory Group meeting papers for 3 September 2021 meeting at IFHC Meeting Room, Corporate Services, Te Nīkau Hospital and Health Centre and via Zoom


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WCDHB Studentship 2021 Application Form (Printer-friendly version)

  • Date: 10 Sep 2021
  • Document Type: ,
  • ID: Stdtsh2021AppForm-PF

Studentship 2021 Application Form (Printer-friendly version)

Applicants must be enrolled in an education programme at a recognised New Zealand education institution.  At the completion of their study, the applicant intends to work specifically, but not exclusively within West Coast rural health. 

Applicants must have resided on the West Coast of the South Island or have strong links or whakapapa back to Te Tai o Poutini.


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WCDHB Studentship 2021 Application Form (Computer-typeable version)

  • Date: 10 Sep 2021
  • Document Type: ,
  • ID: Stdtsh2021AppForm-CT

Studentship 2021 Application Form (Computer-typeable version)

Applicants must be enrolled in an education programme at a recognised New Zealand education institution.  At the completion of their study, the applicant intends to work specifically, but not exclusively within West Coast rural health. 

Applicants must have resided on the West Coast of the South Island or have strong links or whakapapa back to Te Tai o Poutini.


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Advisory Committee Meeting – 9 September 2021

Advisory Committee Papers for 9 September 2021 Meeting


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Consumer Council Minutes – 18 February 2021

Consumer Council Minutes – 18 February 2021


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Consumer Council Agenda – 13 May 2021

Consumer Council Agenda – 13 May 2021


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Board Meeting – Friday, 6 August 2021

Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board meeting Friday, 6 August 2021 meeting


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Tatau Pounamu Meeting papers for July 2021

Tatau Pounamu Advisory Group meeting papers for 9 July 2021 meeting at IFHC Meeting Room, Corporate Services, Te Nīkau Hospital and Health Centre


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Board Meeting – Friday, 25 June 2021

Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board meeting Friday, 25 June 2021 meeting


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Advisory Committee Meeting – 10 June 2021

Advisory Committee Papers for 10 June 2021 Meeting


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Tatau Pounamu Meeting papers for May 2021

Tatau Pounamu Advisory Group meeting papers for 28 May 2021 meeting at IFHC Meeting Room, Corporate Services, Te Nīkau Hospital and Health Centre


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Board Meeting – Friday, 7 May 2021

Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board meeting Friday, 7 May 2021 meeting


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Tatau Pounamu Meeting papers for April 2021

Tatau Pounamu Advisory Group meeting papers for 9 April 2021 meeting at IFHC Meeting Room, Corporate Services, Te Nīkau Hospital and Health Centre


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Board Meeting – Friday, 26 March 2021

Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board meeting Friday, 26 March 2021 meeting


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Diabetes Retinal Screening Service

For 2020, the number of screens for diabetic retinopathy purchased, the number of screens delivered, and the DNA rate./How many diabetic retinopathy screening episodes were delivered during lockdown, and how long any disruption lasted (i.e when did screening return to ‘normal’)./On January 1 2021, how many new referrals were on the wait list for their first screening visit, the average time spent on this wait list, and the longest individual time spent waiting./On January 1 2021, how many existing patients were overdue for their follow up screening appointment, the average overdue time, and the longest individual time overdue.


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Advisory Committee Meeting – 11 March 2021

Advisory Committee Papers for 11 March 2021 Meeting


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Diabetic Retinal Screening

Percentage coverage for diabetic retinal screening (i.e the proportion of people with diabetes who have had a retinal screen within the last two years, or other reporting period)? 


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COVID-19 tests

How many COVID-19 tests, taken in the DHB region between 22 January 2020 and today’s date 28 January 2021, have been spoiled or damaged? Resulting in those samples not being able to be tested./How were the tests spoiled or damaged?/When and where the samples were taken and transported to?/What repercussions were there for those involved in the testing process, including the patients affected?/How many patients, whose tests were spoiled or damaged, subsequently tested positive for COVID-19?/Any and all copies of video and photographs of spoiled or damaged COVID-19 tests.


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Eating Disorder Service

*The pathway to access specialised eating disorder care within the DHB. *Broken down by age and sex, the current number of people awaiting treatment for eating disorders via that pathway – i.e. through the DHB mental health team, or specialist treatment facility.
*The number of people admitted to hospital with an eating disorder or a suspected eating disorder, broken down by name of facility, age and sex, between January 1, 2010 and December 31 2020. *The number of people who have accessed specialised eating disorder services between January 1 2020 and December 31 2020, by inpatient or outpatient status, sex and age. *If not available within the DHB catchment area, where can patients access publicly funded, specialised eating disorder care? *If eating disorder treatment services are contracted out and / or delivered by primary health care providers, please provide the name of the organisation delivering the service.


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Sterilisation of equipment

A detailed breakdown of any and all incidents relating to equipment not being properly sterilised by Canterbury District Health Board and West Coast District Health Board from March 2020.
Please clarify if the lack of sterilisation was picked up before or after patient exposure.


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Consumer Council Agenda – 18 February 2021

Consumer Council Agenda – 18 February 2021


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Aged Residential Care – Official Information Act Request Response

1.) Does DHB have goals, targets, or objectives for current or future admissions to ARC? Targets could be expressed in terms of absolute numbers, annual percentage changes or changes in age-specific ARC utilisation rates. If yes, please supply docs or links to webpages and docs. 2.) Has DHB analysed cost of providing home support to older people with high or complex needs compared to cost of funding them in ARC? If yes, please provide copy of report or details of the report.


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Body parts returned to patient – Official Information Act Request Response

The total number of body part items returned to patients by the DHB during the calendar years of 2020, 2019, and 2018, broken down by the specific type of body part (including but not limited to, body tissue, bones, organs, placentas/products of conception) returned each year.


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Art works – Official Information Act Request Response

1) How many pieces of art does the DHB own? .
2) Please state what the art is. 3) If the artwork was purchased, how much did it cost to buy and when was it bought? 4) What is the combined total value of all of the DHB’s art?
5) Where is the artwork housed? 6) Has the DHB ever donated or loaned any art and if so to who, when, for how long and why? 7) Is the art insured and if so for how much? Has any art ever been stolen and if so was it recovered?
8) Has any of the art ever been damaged and repaired and if so when, and how was it damaged? 9) Has the DHB ever undertaken and art audit and if so when? 10) What is the benefit to patients of the artwork?


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Breastfeeding services – Official Information Act Request Response

Breastfeeding Support Services: • Number of FTE lactation consultants in the hospital(s)• Number of FTE lactation consultants in the community• Age of baby at which this funded support becomes unavailable. • Is there a dedicated tongue tie clinic for outpatient babies?• Is there a formal inpatient service?/What would the inpatient service entail?• Are these services fully funded by the DHB?• How many hours a week are they available?• Who runs them? (lactation consultants/doctors/…)• Up to what age of the baby are they available?• Is there a waiting list/how long would the patient have to wait to be seen?
ENT Service – (if it provides tongue tie treatment): Peter McIntosh with CBU?
• Is the ENT service fully funded by the DHB?
• If so, is there an age limit for this?
• Is there a set number of hours allocated to be available for tongue tie services each week?
• Is there a waiting list/how long would the patient have to wait to be seen?


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COVID / MDMA admissions – Official Information Act Request Response

1. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of people treated at DHB from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period) for MDMA related admissions. Broken down by age groups of those treated and ethnicity.
2. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of people admitted from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period) for MDMA related harm. Broken down by age groups of those admitted and ethnicity.
3.Please provide a monthly breakdown of patients admitted from 2016 to 2021 to date (Including through the COVID-19 period) for consuming substances disguised as MDMA e.g. Synthetic Cathinones.
4. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of people who have died from MDMA related harm at Canterbury District Health Board from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period).
5. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the cost for each person who was treated at Canterbury District Health Board from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period) for MDMA use.


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RMOs additional duties

1. The number of instances of cross cover in the last 12 months and the total payment for cross cover in this period./2. The number of instances of additional duties in the last 12 months and total payment for these, broken down into House Surgeons, Senior House Surgeons, and Registrars. And broken down into the rates for 0800-1200 and 2200-0800./3. The number of additional duties requests put out over the past 12 months that were not taken up by RMOs./4. The number of instances of additional duties paid at rates higher than those in the RDA MECA.


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Data sharing and patient consent

Data sharing at DHBs and PHOs / privacy officer / patient consent for data sharing / what we share, who we share it with


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Board Meeting – Friday, 12 February 2021

Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board meeting Friday, 12 February 2021 meeting


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Part time RMOs employed

1. The number of RMOs who were employed by the DHB in a less than 1.0FTE position in the past 12 months, broken down into part-time and job-share.
2. The number of established positions with less than 1.0FTE in the DHB as of 1 December 2020. 3. Where RMOs under the RDA MECA sit on each step of each salary scale within the agreement as of 1 December 2020.


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Sign-language interpreters

Which govt agencies that currently fund NZSL interpreting do not have contracts in place with suppliers and are instead operating in an ad-hoc manner?


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Mental Health facilities, ombudsman reports

Mental Health Unit data: name, location and number of beds for each mental health and intellectual disability unit (this includes forensic units)? Ombudsman reports


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Showing 1-40 of 53 results, page 1 of 2.

Page last updated: 10 December 2021

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