West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this last CE Update (as we know it) before the change to Health New Zealand, Peter reflects on West Coast DHB and shares the goals of the new health system. These include more equitable and accessible healthcare that is cohesive and responsive to people of all communities.
Also, in this edition, we get tips and reminders about how to protect ourselves from colds, flu and viruses and stay well this winter.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this edition of the CE Update, Peter Bramley talks about the importance of looking after ourselves and using the available supports when needed. He acknowledges the introduction of the National Bowel Screening Programme to the Coast and the mahi behind it’s rollout. He also touches on the efforts of our West Coast people and staff in supporting the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination programme.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this edition of the CE Update, a word from Chief Executive Peter Bramley. Peter thanks everyone for his warm welcome to the West Coast DHB. He acknowledges the need to close the equity gaps along with ensuring that we continue to work in an integrated way with primary and community care and all the health care providers who make up the West Coast Health System.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In this edition of the CE Update, Acting Chief Executive Andrew Brant thanks everyone for the warm welcome and introduction to the West Coast Health System. He talks about the implementation of a rural generalist model and touches on the official opening of Te Nīkau Hospital & Health Centre and future of Buller Health.
West Coast DHB’s own newsletter.
In the July edition of the CE Update, Chief Executive David Meates gives a special thanks to everyone on the Coast for waiting patiently for our long-awaited new facility, Te Nīkau, Grey Hospital & Health Centre. He also acknowledges the huge efforts everyone across the West Coast Health System put into our response to the COVID-19 pandemic response.
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Page last updated: 30 June 2022
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