RE Official information request CDHB 10307, WCDHB 9424 and SCDHB
We refer to your email dated 3 May 2020 requesting the following information from Canterbury DHB under the Official Information Act.
Community and Public Health are a division of the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB), but serve as the Public Health Unit (PHU) for the South Canterbury District Health Board (SCDHB) and the West Coast District Health Board (WCDHB). We are therefore responding for all three DHBs.
1. How many tests for Covid-19 have been carried out (ie swabs or other tests initiated) in your Public Health Unit area (ie the Community and Public Health region – CPH in future references)?
2. How many of these tests within the CPU region have been discarded / not completed by a lab (whether Canterbury Health Labs or another)?
3. Can you please specify how many tests were not processed because of a decision made by a CPU Medical Officer of Health, and how many were decided by someone else e.g. at the lab?
4. Can these rejected / discarded tests please be broken down into the reasons given for rejecting the test
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Page last updated: 10 June 2020
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