Q2&9 – 2. All acute Myocarditis, pericarditis and tachicardia admissions post covid diagnosis. 9. The number of walk in admissions to ED where a Dr has written anxiety on the discharge notes and the comparative figures for the last five years.
Have Remdesivir and ventilators been used or are being used as a treatment for COVID patients in hospital?
Please indicate what is your exact procedure for determining that hospital admissions in this current time are in fact directly due to covid. ie: are you testing people who are admitting themselves for something non-respiratory related and if they test positive after admission for sars cov 2 are you listing it as a covid admission regardless ? i.e: people who are admitted for something respiratory related that is later diagnosed as not sars cov 2, are you indicating them as covid hospitalizations if they return a positive test during admission.
How many staff on the West Coast are working on the Covid response
That includes tracing, vaccinations, testing etc
How many are frontline
How many are back office, management etc
What is the total cost to date’
What budget has it come from
Any information you have regards number of people admitted to hospital due to Covid-19 as the primary illness, that later had a diagnosis of Myocarditis, caused by the virus
1. a list of all district health board emergency departments that have a policy to provide COVID -19 vaccinations to unvaccinated people (COVID-19 )who attend the emergency department 2. a list of all district health board emergency departments, paediatric debarments or wards that have a policy to provide childhood immunisations to all unvaccinated children who attend the department or ward. 3 what plan each district health board has to connect people or children not currently enrolled in primary care who attend the emergency department or other departments – in primary care ( registered with a PHO) – currently only 84% of Māori are enrolled in primary care (PHO).
How many West Coasters have had surgery delayed as a result of both Covid lockdowns. (Includes in ChCh). Has this been caught up yet?
Copy of the community based isolation and quarantine plan to respond to potential outbreaks of Covid-19
Showing 1-8 of 8 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 13 June 2022
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