RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9336
I refer to your email dated 14 August 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act
from West Coast DHB. This request relates Funded Family Care (FFC). Specifically:
1. What is your DHBs policy on Funded Family Care (FFC)? Please provide a copy of it.
2. How many people within your DHB catchment are currently claiming FFC in this financial year?
a. What is the cost of that?
3. How many individuals claimed FFC within your DHB catchment for the 2015/16 financial year?
a. What is the cost of that?
4. How many individuals claimed FFC within your DHB catchment for the 2016/17 financial year?
a. What is the cost of that?
5. How many individuals claimed FFC within your DHB catchment for the 2017/18 financial year?
a. What is the cost of that?
6. How many individuals claimed FFC within your DHB in the 2018/19 financial year?
a. What is the cost of that?
7. What is the annual budgeted and actual expenditure for the NASC in your DHB for the financial years 2015/16; 2016/17; 2017/18; 2018/19 and the current year’s budget 2019/20.
Showing 1-1 of 1 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 3 October 2019
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