Rise in aggression and violence against nurses (AVAN). • The number of incidents related to nurses, midwives and health care assistants being abused, harassed or physically assaulted/ attacked at their workplace since 1 Jan 2017 to date, broken down by location and calendar year. • Brief description of the incidents and what the incidents related to e.g. verbal abuse, physical assault, sexual assault, physical threat or otherwise. • How many ‘code orange’* events that occurred? Brief description of the events. • Where did the incidents happen? e.g. the emergency department, mental health/addictions, obstetrics? • How many incidents were notified to WorkSafe? • How many incidents required police interventions e.g. Police report, statements from DHB employees? • How many incidents required an ACC claim? • How many incidents resulted in working days lost? And if so, how many?
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Page last updated: 14 February 2022
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