Immunisations for Maori and Pacific children / vaccine hesitancy including in relation to the Covid vaccine.
RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9354
I refer to your email dated 3 October 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB, (this being a follow-up request to our response to your original request WCDHB 9329). This request pertains to vaccination and immunisation rates among staff.
RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9329
I refer to your email dated 25 July 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB.
1. Any information the DHB holds about vaccination/immunization rates for its health workers, including the various rates for midwives, nurses and doctors working for the DHB.
2. Any information the DHB holds about trends in vaccination rates for health workers over the previous decade, and whether any measures have been taken to increase uptake.
3. Any information the DHB holds about vaccination rates for its health workers specifically from Pertussis/Whooping cough, seasonal ‘flu and MMR.
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Page last updated: 24 September 2021
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