Time patients wait to see a specialist, to have surgery or to start their cancer treatment
RE Intersex babies: How many intersex children have had genital surgery within their first year of life? (Could I have this info from 2016-2021 broken down into the number each year and the overall number for the last five years / whether or not the surgery was medically necessary or whether it was cosmetic, the gender of the child as recorded on their birth certificate and the total cost per year of the surgeries. 2. How many referrals have been made to other DHBs for intersex babies in their first year of life for surgery, last five years, broken down into the number each year and the overall number 2016-2021
RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9337
I refer to your email dated 9 August 2019 to Department of Internal Affairs which they subsequently transferred to us on 16 August 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB. Specifically:
Surgery cancellation rates in year ending June 2018
Patients sent back to GP after FSA, Orthopaedic, number performed in Greymouth, sent to Canterbury. Number elective surgeries. Number sent to Canterbury for surgery.
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Page last updated: 24 May 2022
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