In the Summer edition of the Te Nīkau Health Centre newsletter, readers are encouraged to plan ahead for holiday travel by ordering prescriptions early, checking on rural pharmacy supplies, and packing essentials like sunscreen, insect repellent, and antihistamines. The newsletter also offers tips for healthy summer eating—reminding everyone to keep food properly chilled and to enjoy the season’s vibrant fruits—and underscores the importance of supporting mental and emotional well-being through outdoor activity, balanced nutrition, and quality rest.
A reminder about the phone prescription policy clarifies that only enrolled patients can receive certain repeat prescriptions without a consultation, as long as clinical guidelines are met. The newsletter also highlights the need for face-to-face appointments in specific cases, such as first-time prescriptions or medications requiring closer monitoring. Alongside these updates, sun protection remains a key focus: readers are urged to practice “Slip, Slop, Slap, and Wrap” and stay vigilant about melanoma risks during New Zealand’s high-UV months.
The Urgent Primary Care Clinic continues to provide same-day attention for minor illnesses and injuries—ranging from respiratory infections to minor burns—while guiding patients to the appropriate care based on triage and assessment. Additionally, the newsletter introduces access to a primary care physiotherapist for musculoskeletal concerns, offering assessments, referrals for further investigations, and exercises to help patients manage their conditions.
The Lake Brunner Clinic section advises of potential service limitations due to staffing changes, directing patients to call for up-to-date information or contact Te Nīkau Health Centre if needed. Lastly, the team at Te Nīkau Health Centre extends holiday greetings, encouraging everyone to stay safe and enjoy the summer season.