RE: Official information request WCDHB 9178
We refer to your letter dated 24 July 2018 and received on 27 July 2018 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB regarding services experienced in our DHB by people with Multiple Sclerosis, with a particular focus on Neurology services. Specifically Appointment Numbers.
- How many neurology appointments were completed in the past 12 months where the patient has an indication or diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis?
- How many referrals for neurology appointments were declined in the past 12 months where the patient has an indication or diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis?
- How many people with an indication or subsequent diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis have attended a first Neurologist appointment?
- How many people with an indication or subsequent diagnosis of have received follow up Neurologist appointments?
- How many people with a diagnosis of MS have received a Psychotherapy appointment?
- How many people with a diagnosis of MS have had a referral for a Psychotherapy appointment declined?
- How many people with a diagnosis of MS have received a Physiotherapy appointment?
- How many people with a diagnosis of MS have had a referral for a Physiotherapy appointment declined?
- How many people with a diagnosis of MS have received a Occupational Therapy appointment?
- How many people with a diagnosis of MS have had a referral for a Occupational Therapy appointment declined?