Request for the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB regarding wait times relating to cancer.
- The average wait time for patients referred to the DHB with a high suspicion of cancer (all tumourstreams) to receive a FSA (first specialist assessment), including the shortest and longest individual waittime, month by month for the last 12 months.
- The average wait time for cancer patients (for all tumour streams) to receive their first treatment (or management), including the shortest and longest individual wait times, month by month for the last 12 months. For your information, this request is designed to work out how long people are waiting for treatment, once it has been determined they have or are likely to have cancer.
- The number of people diagnosed with cancer after presenting to the emergency department, month by month for the last 12 months.
- A copy of the DHBs priority assessment protocol (I understand the name of this protocol varies between DHBs) relating to cancer, for each tumour stream.