RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9296
I refer to your email dated 19 March 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB regarding delays with the new hospital. Specifically:
The Ministry are not aware of the outcome of the DHB review of the risk associated with prolonged use of existing EQ prone buildings and have not, as yet, received any legal advice provided to the DHB. Jenny Black confirmed legal advice they had received was to have Opus review an earlier report they had provided and this review withheld under s9(2)(i) Private and Confidential ‐ Circulation restricted to Hospital Redevelopment Partnership Group ONLY Page 2 was in progress. Jenny will follow up on this following the WCDHB meeting scheduled for later this week.
- Please may I see a copy of the latest DHB review of use of quake prone buildings?