RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9310
I refer to your email dated 20 May 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB.
- I would like to know how many patients in your in-patient mental health units have died in the past year while being there. If you could please break these down into gender and age as well that’d be great.
- Also, I know this may not be possible due to privacy, but if you could can I please have cause of death (e.g. self-inflicted or not) and dates they happened.
The West Coast DHB has had no inpatient deaths in mental health units during the past year. (20 May 2018 – 20 May 2019).
I trust that this satisfies your interest in this matter.
Please note that this response, or an edited version of this response, may be published on the West Coast DHB website after your receipt of this response.