RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9317
I refer to your emails dated 24 May 2019 to Ministry of Health which they subsequently transferred to us on 18 June 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB.
1. Please advise how many Primary Health providers have had their Back to Back contract terminated by a Primary Health Organisation for failure to achieve Foundation
Nil. All West Coast contracted providers meet the Foundation Standard, having met CORNERSTONE accreditation with Aiming for Excellence standard. All West Coast General Practices are contracted providers to the West Coast PHO.
2. How many Primary Health providers had not achieved Foundation Standard certification by 1 July 2017?
There were two practices (one is a satellite rural clinic of a larger practice) that had not achieved CORNERSTONE accreditation but were in process of achieving and awaiting site audit visits.
3. When those Primary Health providers achieved Foundation Standard certification?
CORNERSTONE accreditation was achieved during quarter 2, 2018 for the outstanding practice and satellite clinic.
4. Do any Primary Health providers who are required to hold Foundation Standard Certification not currently hold that certification?
Nil. Please refer to the answer to question 1 above.
5. Did any Primary Health providers have Capitation Based Funding withdrawn as a result of not having achieved Foundation Standard by 1 July 2017?
Nil. Please refer to the answer to questions 1 and 2 above.
6. Please supply the following information under the Official Information Act – memorandums, emails, letters, minutes of meetings etc. relating to the termination of such contracts.
Not applicable, as no such contracts have been terminated for any West Coast primary practices. Please refer to the answer to question 1 above.