I refer to your email dated 18 July 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB.
1. Over the past five years (since January 2014), how many babies have been born under the care of West Coast District Health Board to mothers dependent on illegal drugs?
2. How many of those babies were uplifted by Oranga Tamariki?
3. How many of those babies required a hospital stay of more than 7 days?
4. How many of those babies required a hospital stay of more than 14 days?
5. How many of those babies required medication as a result of withdrawal symptoms?
West Coast DHB does not hold the information requested in an easily retrievable data system.
To provide this information we would need to go through the clinical records of every woman who delivered their baby/babies at West Coast DHB facilities for the last five years. This task would need to be undertaken by a clinician, require substantial collation and research and would necessarily take the clinician away from their primary responsibilities of caring for mothers and babies. Your request is there refused under section 18(f) of the Official Information Act.
If you disagree with our decision to withhold information you may, under section 28(3) of the Official Information Act, seek a review of our decision from the Ombudsman. Information