RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9332
I refer to your email dated 5 August 2019 requesting information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB regarding an alleged incident at Larry’s Creek Road near Reefton on 25th July 2019 at approximately 12pm on the Inangahua East operational area. Specifically:
1. Have you been notified of this incident by vector control services, Ospri, or the police?
2. If so when were you first notified by each party?
3. Please supply copies of this correspondence
4. Can you please supply a copy of any correspondence or incident report supplied by CPH to other parties and their replies?
5. Can you please supply a copy of any replies or communications written or electronic to these incident reports from your staff?
6. Can I please have a copy of the consent conditions for this drop?
7. Can I please have a copy of the permissions document that shows all signatories to permissions given for this drop?
8. Can I please have a copy of any other report or communications of any other incidents that took place on this operation by Ospri, vector, security, or CPH staff?
9. A copy of the proof of pilot’s special licence/s to aerially apply this toxin?
10. Can I please have a copy of all track and road clearance logbooks undertaken in this operational area including the total numbers of baits and carcasses removed?
11. Can I please have a copy of the guidelines used to issue the consents for aerial application of vta’s?