RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9335
I refer to your email dated 12 August 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB.
- Any reports and minutes from the food item discussed in committee please? (West Coast DHB Board Meeting 9/8/2019)
The information contained in the Public Excluded paper presented to the West Coast DHB Board on 9 August 2019 is still withheld under Section 9(2)(j) of the Official Information Act, however I understand that you have now received a copy of the attached media statement (Appendix 1) resulting from these discussions.
- Also reports of any food complaints in the past year regarding Grey Base.
There are no recorded complaints in the database relating to the food served at Grey Base Hospital over the past year.
(There was a recent post on the West Coast DHB community Facebook page relating to food quality. The Clinical Nurse Manager of the unit concerned undertook to meet with the family who made the comments, and liaised with the food service provider to allay any fears around the quantity, quality and texture of food provided to their loved one. The matter is now resolved)
I trust that this satisfies your interest in this matter.