RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9347
I refer to your email dated 13 September 2019 requesting information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB. We note in your request that your questions below refer to the 2018-2019 financial year and to West Coast based residents.
1. How many referrals to First Specialist Appointments from GPs for elective orthopaedic surgery?
During the period 1 July 2018 to the 30 June 2019, a total of 678 people were referred to the Orthopaedic Department on the West Coast. This excludes multiple referrals for the same patient.
2. How many accepted onto waiting list?
During the period 1 July 2018 to the 30 June 2019, a total of 194 people were accepted on to the Orthopaedic Department outpatient waiting list on the West Coast for a First Specialist Assessment (FSA).
3. How many referred back to GP because considered below the threshold for service?
Of those referred during 2018/19, 484 referrals were returned as they were either below threshold, or had insufficient information to make a clinical decision, were not eligible for New Zealand healthcare, were inappropriate referrals, or were for service that was not required, or for a referral query that could be met by written advice from the Specialist back to the referring General Practice.
Among the 484 total, the number returned back to their GP because they were below clinical threshold was 359. During this period, 308 people attended their FSA appointment on the West Coast, with a further 477 local attendances made for an orthopaedic follow up appointment.
4. How many referred back to GP even though on or above the threshold for service?
None. 100% of referrals that met the threshold in the year were accepted.
5. How many elective orthopaedic surgeries performed at Grey Base Hospital?
During the 2018/19 financial year, there have been 487 orthopaedic public (non-ACC) patients discharged from Grey Base Hospital, including 242 acute patients and 245 elective (arranged and waiting list) patients. Of these, 80 acute patients and 186 elective cases had surgical procedures undertaken.
6. How many elective orthopaedic surgeries for West Coast based residents performed at Christchurch Hospital?
There were 89 elective orthopaedic surgical discharges from Christchurch for West Coast residents in the 2018/19 financial year.
7. How many orthopaedic surgeons on the WCDHB roster?
At the start of May 2019, we had a new orthopaedic surgeon join the roster, thus increasing the number of orthopaedic surgeons on the West Coast DHB roster to six.