RE Official information request WCDHB 9445
I refer to your email dated 8 July 2020 requesting information from West Coast DHB under the Official Information Act on the number of locum and permanent doctors, and nurses, working at Buller Health for the year to 30 June 2020.
Buller Health includes both the general practice (Buller Medical) as well as the hospital service, and has doctors covering both areas. The doctors’ employment with us is not split or differentiated between general practice and hospital systems. For the purpose of this request, we have included all doctors working as either locum or permanent employees engaged in the Buller Health system.
1. How many locum doctors did Buller Health employ in the year to June 30, 2020, and how many FTE positions does that equate to?
2. How many permanent GPs did Buller Health employ in the same period and how many FTE positions does that equate to?
3. How many permanent GPs did Buller Health employ at June 30, 2020, and how many FTE positions does that equate to?
4. What was the cost of locum doctors for salaries and other expenses?
5. What was the minimum and maximum length of stay among locum doctors working at Buller Health during the year?
6. What was the cost of permanent doctors for salaries and other expenses?
7. How many practice nurses did Buller Health employ in the year to June 30, 2020, and what does that equate to in FTEs?
8. What was the cost of practice nurses for the year to June 30, 2020?