RE Official information request WCDHB 9450
I refer to your email dated 7 July 2020 sent to Ministry of Health which they subsequently transferred to us on 21 July 2020 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB. Specifically:
1. The number of complaints from mental health workers alleging they were assaulted in the workplace within the last 3 years. For each complainant please provide the following information…
a. age, sex, job title of the complainant
b. allegation details and date
c. all investigations outcomes (including but not restricted to all investigation reports)
d. if not investigated why not
e. was there any criminal prosecution and details of the outcome
f. if there was no criminal prosecution why not
2. The number of complaints from health workers alleging they were assaulted while working at the Emergency Department over the last three years. age, sex, job title of the complainant …
a. allegation details and date
b. all investigations outcomes (including but not restricted to all investigation reports)
c. if not investigated why not
d. was there any criminal prosecution and details of the outcome
e. if there was no criminal prosecution why not
3. The number of complaints from health workers who have made allegations they were assaulted while working at maternity services over the last 3 years. For each complaint please provide the following information…
a. age, sex, job title of the complainant
b. allegation details and date
c. all investigations outcomes (including but not restricted to all investigation reports)
d. if not investigated why not
e. was there any criminal prosecution and details of the outcome?
f. If there was no criminal prosecution, why not?