RE Official information request CDHB 10434 & WCDHB 9476
I refer to your email dated 25 September 2020 requesting the following information under the Official
Information Act from Canterbury DHB and West Coast DHB regarding: the data and/or information held
by your District Health Boards, with regards to psychotherapists, psychotherapists who use different
titles but work primarily as a psychotherapist (i.e. clinical leads, professional leaders), and those carrying
out the work of psychotherapists. Specifically:
1. The actual number of psychotherapists employed by the DHB
2. The actual number of psychotherapists engaged as contractors by the DHB
3. The number of psychotherapists on each salary step
4. For continuing professional development for DHB employed psychotherapists:
• Total budget for 2018 and 2020 (separately)
• Total spend for 2018 and 2019 (separately)