Breastfeeding Support Services: • Number of FTE lactation consultants in the hospital(s)• Number of FTE lactation consultants in the community• Age of baby at which this funded support becomes unavailable. • Is there a dedicated tongue tie clinic for outpatient babies?• Is there a formal inpatient service?/What would the inpatient service entail?• Are these services fully funded by the DHB?• How many hours a week are they available?• Who runs them? (lactation consultants/doctors/…)• Up to what age of the baby are they available?• Is there a waiting list/how long would the patient have to wait to be seen?
ENT Service – (if it provides tongue tie treatment): Peter McIntosh with CBU?
• Is the ENT service fully funded by the DHB?
• If so, is there an age limit for this?
• Is there a set number of hours allocated to be available for tongue tie services each week?
• Is there a waiting list/how long would the patient have to wait to be seen?