In an emergency, call 111.
If your child is sick contact your local health clinic, or call 0800 611 116 for advice after hours.
For online advice about common child health issues, visit Healthinfo.
Enrolling your child at a clinic means visits will be cheaper when you need to take them to see a doctor or nurse. The clinic you enrol with will also receive your child’s health records, so they will already know a lot of relevant information when your tamariki gets sick.
Find out how to enrol by calling or visiting your local health clinic. Find your nearest clinic on the West Coast Primary Health Organisation website.
Children under 13 get free visits at most general practices, including for after-hours care. Most prescriptions are also free.
From December 2018, these services will be free for children under 14.
Well Child Tamariki Ora is a free programme providing a series of free health visits and support for families with children up to 5 years old.
The final visit is called the B4 School Check, and all children should have this check before they turn 5. Visit the West Coast B4 School checks Facebook page, or talk to your local health clinic or West Coast Primary Health Organisation for more information.
Immunisation (vaccination) is the best way to protect your child against many dangerous diseases. It is safe, and can stop your child getting very sick. The Ministry of Health has information about safe immunisation during pregnancy, and free immunisations for children and teenagers.
For information about breastfeeding support and free services, visit West Coast Primary Health Organisation’s Breastfeeding page and the West Coast Breastfeeding Facebook page.
Children and teenagers up to 18 years old can get free or discounted dental care. Find out more about oral health services for kids.
Children who are patients stay in the Children’s Ward. This ward is located on the ground floor of the modern Te Nīkau, Grey Hospital & Health Centre facility.
Find out about our Whānau house for visiting families
If you and your child are in isolation please observe the unit’s requirements.
Meals are provided for the child. Hot and cold drinks are readily available at all times.
Please check with us what your child is allowed to eat or drink before supplying anything. Extra food may be purchased from the cafeteria.
We are a smoke free environment. We offer a quit smoking programme – “Quit For Our Kids”.
Parents, caregivers and family members are welcome to visit as they wish.
If your child is staying overnight, we provide a bed for one caregiver.
Please note: Meals are not supplied for the caregiver.
A supermarket and garage is two minutes walk from the facility.
A social worker is available to discuss any needs or problems you may have.
Page last updated: 5 August 2020
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