The Meals on Wheels service helps people all around New Zealand who are living at home by providing them with a healthy meal every day. New Zealand Red Cross volunteers deliver around 620,000 hot meals a year – that’s nearly 12,000 every week.
How to get Meals on Wheels
Please phone your GP for more information and to see if you, or the person you are enquiring on behalf of, are eligible to receive Meals on Wheels. We receive referrals for this service through your hospital or DHB.
Meals on Wheels is one of our longest standing and most recognised community programmes – and one that is much appreciated by its recipients. More than just a carrier of hot meals, we deliver independence to many elderly and disabled people and those recovering from illness or hospital treatment.
But most importantly, the service provides much needed regular social contact for the Meals on Wheels recipients.
All Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand regions across New Zealand are required to provide nutritional support to the community by making low-cost, home-delivered hot meals available to residents.
The service is primarily intended to support those who have left the hospital, but in most areas it extends to any person in the community who could benefit from receiving the service.
Our role at New Zealand Red Cross is to coordinate volunteers to deliver the meals. We do not prepare the meals.
Page last updated: 5 December 2022
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