Friday 4 March 2022Health news2 minutes to read
Please attribute to Philip Wheble, EOC Incident Controller, West Coast DHB.
Now we are in phase three of the Omicron response, rapid antigen testing (RAT) has become the primary form of testing. You only need to get tested if you have symptoms, you are a household contact, a critical worker, or you have been directed to by a health official. Close contacts should only get tested if they develop symptoms. We are asking people to help us make the best use of our resources and not to turn up for a COVID-19 test unless they meet the criteria.
Demand for testing has started to increase in recent days as the number of community cases has risen.
“We know some people are anxious about getting hold of a RAT test. Please be as patient as you can when phoning or talking to our health system staff. We’re working hard to help meet the increase in public demand for testing, and increasing the number of community collection sites across the Coast.”
RAT collection is currently available at these sites today.
Weekend RAT collection sites:
(Historical info that was shown in this space has now been removed, as this is no longer current, and it could confuse health consumers should they find this page now. Please use the links on this page to find up-to-date information.)
Vaccinations are still available on the West Coast and health officials urge people to get vaccinated, particularly the five to 11-year-olds. Please visit this HealthPoint site for times/days and locations. Bookings are encouraged.
Page last updated: 4 July 2022
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