Friday 19 August 2022Health news5 minutes to read
On Sunday 21 August, all health services currently based in Westport’s Masonic Lodge will be relocating back to the Buller Health facility on Cobden Street.
Te Whatu Ora Te Tai o Poutini Incident Manager Philip Wheble says until the team heads back to the Buller Health facility on Sunday, health care services remain available at the Masonic Lodge at 51 Russell St, Westport.
“If you need an GP or Nurse Practitioner appointment, to renew a script or to get test results, the Buller Medical Centre team is just a phone call away. Please call the team on 03 788 9277 during week day opening hours (Monday – Friday; 8:45am – 5:00pm). Urgent/acute services are available between 7am – 11pm with St John providing after-hours PRIME cover.”
“Our team on the ground in Buller has put in an outstanding effort over the past week to ensure that health services remain accessible.
“When the Health Centre was evacuated as a precautionary measure on 17 August, Westport’s Masonic Lodge became the temporary base for all clinical services including Buller Medical Centre. Westport Kindergarten also became the temporary home for our Buller-based Emergency Operations Centre staff along with the administration team.
“A special thanks to the owners of the Masonic Lodge and the Westport Kindergarten who have allowed us to use their buildings to ensure health care services could continue to be provided to the Buller community,” says Mr Wheble.
For non-urgent health care, you should call your own general practice team (Coast Medical on 03 789 5000 or Buller Medical Centre on 03 788 9277). After-hours follow the instructions to be transferred to a nurse who can provide free health advice.
If you or anyone you know needs health advice, you can also call Healthline on 0800 611 116 – calls are answered 24/7. If you need to be seen, they will tell you what to do and where to go.
Remember, if you are injured or experiencing severe symptoms, it’s critical that you call 111.
“We know that supporting wellbeing, and managing anxiety will be ongoing for a community who are facing yet another recovery after such a significant event. We are looking at ways to ensure that access to mental health and wellbeing support services in Westport are increased.
“If you’re feeling overwhelmed, not sleeping, and feeling anxious all the time please seek help from your own General Practice team.”
Finally, here are some useful numbers for organisations who can help.
Useful health care contacts
Public health advice
A reminder from our public health team – please treat all flood water as contaminated.
Sewage may be mixed with flood waters and can cause serious illness.
That means you need to wash your hands thoroughly or use hand gel after coming into contact with flood water.
Wherever you are, please remember the usual public health precautions such as good cough and sneeze etiquette, hand hygiene and continuing to wear a mask especially indoors.
If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms, please take a RAT (rapid antigen test). If you test positive for COVID-19 and it is safe to do so, please remain isolated at home or in the accommodation where you are staying. If you’re not sure what you should do, please call the COVID-19 line on 0800 358 5453 for advice.
RATs are available across the Coast. There is no criteria, you don’t need to be unwell or have symptoms. Anyone who needs RATs can collect free packs for you and your whānau from a RAT collection site.
RAT collection site details are available online at: COVID-19 Testing • West Coast • Healthpoint
Meals on wheels
Meals on Wheels continues to be provided by our Buller-based WellFood team along with our valued Red Cross volunteers who deliver the meals to recipients in the community.
Stay up-to-date
For the latest updates, ‘like’ your local Te Whatu Ora and District Councils Facebook pages, or check the latest news on their websites:
Weather conditions
To get the most up to date information on severe weather around the country, or any other forecasts, see or download the MetService mobile app.
Road conditions
If you need to travel for any reason, please ensure that you check the road conditions prior to departing.
Buller HealthCivil emergenciesGeneral PracticeRural healthurgent careWestport
Page last updated: 19 August 2022
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