Thursday 10 February 2022Health news1 minute to read
Buller Health has relocated health services to the Masonic Lodge, 51 Russell Street, Westport.
If you live north of Westport, we have staff in Karamea and Ngakawau. And if you are in Reefton, Reefton Health is open.
Remember, if you need health advice, please call Healthline on 0800 611 116 – calls are answered 24/7. If you need to be seen, they will tell you what to do and where to go.
If it’s an emergency, call 111 as per usual.
A reminder from our public health team – please treat all flood water as contaminated.
Sewage may be mixed with flood waters and can cause serious illness.
That means you need to wash your hands thoroughly or use hand gel after coming into contact with flood water.
If you need to evacuate, please remember to take your masks and hand sanitizer especially if you are going to an evacuation centre.
Thank you
West Coast DHB
Health awarenessRural healthSafetyService interruptionsurgent careWestport
Page last updated: 10 February 2022
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