Friday 10 June 2022Health news2 minutes to read
Due to an increase in staff sickness from COVID and winter related illnesses, the acute inpatient beds in Buller Health’s Foote Ward will be closed for admission this weekend.
Across the Coast, we are currently experiencing significant pressures on our health system as a direct result of both staff illness and an increase in acute presentations says Holly Mason, West Coast DHB’s Director of Nursing.
Over the weekend, acute and urgent care will still be available at Buller Health however, anyone needing admission will be transferred to Greymouth’s Te Nīkau Hospital.
Buller Medical Centre’s urgent care walk-in clinics will also be available on Saturday and Sunday between 2pm – 4pm. After-hours charging applies.
For appointments, enquiries, prescriptions or results please phone Buller Medical Centre on 03 788 9277 during week day opening hours (Monday – Friday; 8:45am – 5:00pm).
Remember, if it’s an emergency, please dial 111.
You can also call Healthline on 0800 611 116 – calls are answered 24/7. If you need to be seen, they will tell you what to do and where to go.
For COVID-19 health advice please call 0800 358 5453.
“We want to reassure you that if you need emergency or acute care over the weekend that this will be available. We thank the Westport community for their on-going patience and apologise in advance for any inconvenience that this situation may cause,” says Ms Mason.
Buller HealthGeneral PracticeHealth awarenessRural healthupdateWestport
Page last updated: 10 June 2022
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