Thursday 30 June 2022CE Update2 minutes to read
You can read our CE Update from cover to cover or download the full copy via ISSUU or PDF on our website. You can also navigate straight to this edition via the link below.
A word from Chief Executive Peter Bramley
In the last CE Update (as we know it) before the change to Health New Zealand, Peter reflects on West Coast DHB and shares the goals of the new health system. These include more equitable and accessible healthcare that is cohesive and responsive to people of all communities.
Also, in this edition, we get tips and reminders about how to protect ourselves from colds, flu and viruses and stay well this winter.
Our stories – Ā tātou kōrero
Regulars – Kōrero ai
Notices – Pānui
You can read the CE Update in 2 different formats:
Page last updated: 27 September 2022
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