Thursday 10 February 2022Health news5 minutes to read
Please attribute to Philip Wheble, Incident Controller – West Coast DHB
Buller Health has now relocated all health services to the Masonic Lodge, 51 Russell Street, Westport.
Our Buller Health team is available at this site 24/7 for urgent and emergency services.
Buller Medical will be open tomorrow (Friday) between 9:00am – 5:00pm and again on Saturday (12/02/2022) and Sunday (13/02/2022) between 10:00am – 2:00pm. The team will be working from the Masonic Lodge.
If you live north of Westport, we have staff in Karamea and Ngakawau. And if you are in Reefton, Reefton Health is open.
If you require health care, please contact your general practice team by calling the usual practice number – Find a GP, medical practice, clinic or health centre | West Coast DHB (
If you are registered with Coast Medical, please contact the team on 03 789 5000 to arrange an appointment, and after-hours call the usual practice number for free health advice. After hours you’ll be put through to a nurse who can tell you what to do and where to go if you need to be seen.
If it’s an emergency, call 111 as per usual.
General health advice
Public health advice
A reminder from our public health team – please treat all flood water as contaminated.
Sewage may be mixed with flood waters and can cause serious illness.
That means you need to wash your hands thoroughly or use hand gel after coming into contact with flood water.
Wherever you are, please remember the usual public health precautions such as good cough and sneeze etiquette, hand hygiene and physical distancing (wherever possible stay one metre away from people you don’t know).
It’s also important to continue wearing a mask especially indoors and scan in everywhere you go. Keeping a good record of where you have been makes the job of contact tracers so much easier.
If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms, please arrange to get tested immediately and if safe to do so remain isolated at home or in the accommodation you are staying in. This advice extends to anyone even if they haven’t visited any of the locations of interest. If you’re not sure what you should do, please call the COVID-19 line on 0800 358 5453 for advice.
COVID-19 vaccination clinics
The Westport COVID-19 vaccination clinic will remain closed while our team respond to the current state of emergency. We will provide an update on when it will reopen once details have been confirmed.
Tomorrow (11/02/2022) and Saturday (12/02/2022), our Hokitika vaccination drive-through clinic at the Westland Milk Products staff carpark will be open from 10am to 6pm.
While we are vaccinating 5-11-year olds as well as people 12 years and over, we recommend that bookings are made so that people are not kept waiting. Drop-ins are limited due to the additional time it takes to vaccinate children as fewer people can be vaccinated at each clinic.
You can book online for clinics at or call 0800 28 29 26 (8am – 8pm, 7 days per week).
Clinic details are available on our vaccination website – Home – Vaccinate Canterbury and West Coast (
Meals on wheels
Meals on Wheels continues to be provided by our Buller-based WellFood team along with our valued Red Cross volunteers who deliver the meals to recipients in the community.
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Weather conditions
To get the most up to date information on severe weather around the country, or any other forecasts, see or download the MetService mobile app.
Road conditions
If you need to travel for any reason, please ensure that you check the road conditions prior to departing.
Health awarenessPublic HealthRural healthupdateurgent careWest Coast
Page last updated: 10 February 2022
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