Monday 27 February 2017Media release1 minute to read
Greymouth rest home Kowhai Manor will close by 31 March, as the Ministry of Health has withdrawn certification following a recent audit.
Kowhai Manor is currently home to 24 residents.
Canterbury and West Coast DHB General Manager Planning and Funding Carolyn Gullery says most importantly these residents need to be looked after according to their needs and the immediate focus is on working with residents and their families to find new homes.
Because of limited aged residential care bed availability on the West Coast, the West Coast DHB will manage a fair and transparent process to prioritise where residents can go.
A meeting is being held tonight with residents of Kowhai Manor and their families, to provide important information about the process of finding a new home for each resident.
Representatives from Kiwiannia Care Ltd and the DHB will be present.
Any residents or family members with queries regarding the assessment or moving to a new facility, contact Diane Brockbank, Manager Complex Clinical Care Network, phone 03 768 0477 or 0800 778 226.
Page last updated: 17 April 2019
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