Wednesday 13 October 2021Health news2 minutes to read
West Coast DHB has begun consulting on its proposal to dispose of surplus DHB property.
The West Coast DHB Board recently completed a review of the DHB’s property portfolio with a view to selling a number of properties the Board does not have any future plans for.
The Board has initially identified around a dozen properties across the West Coast, comprising bare land, residential and some former rural clinics.
Before any DHB can dispose of Crown land, there is a statutory process that has to be complied with. We are at the beginning of that process. This involves a review for any offer-back obligations to any former owners, consideration of rights of first refusal for local Iwi, public consultation on disposal and thereafter, West Coast DHB Board and Ministerial approval.
West Coast DHB Chair Rick Barker says each of these properties have been visited and as the Board has no foreseeable future use for these properties there is no point in holding onto them, particularly as they are a cost to the Board just to hold with no benefit.
“The Board is committed to ensuring the proceeds of these properties benefit the provision of health on the Coast. There are a number of places the capital can be put to work rather than sit idly as an empty property.”
On conclusion of the consultation process, the West Coast DHB Board will consider the views of its resident population before making a decision on disposal. The properties that are deemed surplus to DHB requirements will be disposed of in accordance with the statutory disposal process.
Feedback on the proposed sale of DHB property is sought via an electronic submission form at the end of the consultation document that can be found at Public Consultations | West Coast District Health Board (
Alternatively, people can call 03 364 4101 to obtain a hard copy or make a verbal submission.
Submissions close at 5pm on 19 November 2021.
Page last updated: 13 October 2021
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