If you require urgent medical treatment please see After Hours and Emergency information, or if you have an urgent hospital related enquiry, please contact the hospital concerned.
To make an official information request go to our requests for official information page.
You can use the form below for enquiries from media, but before doing so please also read the info on our on-call media advisor roster page.
How to reach Te Whatu Ora Health NZ West Coast via email:
For enquires best answered by the friendly Te Nīkau Health Centre team, please check out the section in the area titled: Te Nīkau Health Centre enquiries (above)
Email addresses to contact Te Whatu Ora West Coast for enquiries have largely been replaced by this simple form. Note, that in order to receive an emailed response from Te Whatu Ora West Coast simply provide your email address before submitting the completed form.
Some health services can be contacted directly by telephone and email address rather than by using this form, Te Whatu Ora West Coast health services are listed on hospital pages and in the health services directory on this website.
Please don’t use this form for submitting Official Information Act requests to Te Whatu Ora, as these are now being submitted via a different website. For more information see our requests for official information page.
You can use the online contact form located further down on the present page to make the following types of enquiry:
We want to know what we are doing well and where we can improve. Patients, family/whānau and visitors can send us suggestions, compliments or complaints using this form.
For more information about patient rights and the Health and Disability Commission Advocacy Service, see the Tell us what you think, Supporting you and During your visit pages, in our patients and visitors section.
When you see a * it means that it must be completed. Other fields are optional.
Page last updated: 22 May 2023
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