Speech language therapists can support adults and children with communication, feeding and swallowing difficulties associated with:
We provide Speech language therapy services to inpatients and the community across the West Coast DHB.
Inpatient Speech language therapy services are available at Te Nikau Grey Hospital and Kahurangi.
Referrals are generated from medical, nursing and allied health colleagues who identify a need for support during your admission.
Some patients may also require ongoing Speech language therapy after leaving hospital and will be referred onto our Community team.
Community Speech language therapists are based in Greymouth, but travel to Hokitika, South Westland, Taramakau, Moana, Reefton and Westport. Our team can also use videoconference facilities for people who prefer this option.
Our team work closely with other clinicians within the community health teams including District Nurses, Dietitians, Respiratory Services, Child Development Services, Paediatricians, Ear Nose & Throat, Audiology, Specialist Child Health Service and Older Persons Health & Rehabilitation.
Referrals are generated by medical (including your GP), nursing and allied health colleagues or community agencies who identify a need for Speech Language Therapy support for you. Your health professional can check to see if you meet our criteria before sending a referral. Some self-referrals may also be accepted.
Te Nikau Grey Hospital, Allied Health Hub
Ground Floor, 71 Water Walk Rd
Phone 03 769 7400
Services are offered Monday to Friday 8am – 4.30pm
Page last updated: 21 April 2021
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