Our Social Workers are here to support you and your family/whānau in our hospitals and in the community:
We provide Social Work services to inpatients and the community across the West Coast DHB.
National travel coordinators are based at Te Nīkau, Grey Hospital & Health Centre and Buller Health. They can help eligible patients pay for travel if they have been referred from a Specialist to another Specialist appointment, have a community services card and travel at least 80km one way.
Social workers can provide you with claim forms if you are eligible for assistance. For more information see the Ministry of Health website.
Inpatient Social Work services are available at Te Nikau Grey Hospital, Kahurangi and Manaakitanga mental health unit.
Referrals are generated from medical, nursing and allied health colleagues who identify a need for support during your admission. You can also ask to speak to a Social Worker if you have questions or concerns.
Community Social Workers work out of Greymouth, Hokitika and Westport. They work closely with other clinicians within the community health teams and organisations outside the DHB.
Referrals are generated from medical, nursing and allied health colleagues who identify a need for support during an appointment or your admission. You can also ask to speak to a Social Worker if you have questions or concerns.
Daffodil House & Daffodil Lodge
Ronald McDonald House Christchurch
Ground floor Te Nīkau Grey Hospital & Health Centre, Allied Health Hub, 71 Water Walk Rd
03 769 7400
59 Sewell Street
03 756 9700
Cobden Street, Westport
03 788 9030
68 Broadway
03 769 7420
Services are offered Monday to Friday, 8am – 4:30pm
Page last updated: 18 August 2022
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