Sunday 18 July 2021Health news2 minutes to read
As flood waters have continued to rise in many areas, a precautionary Boil Water Notice has been put in place by the Buller District Council for the following areas:
A boil water notice means you need to boil or treat all water from taps/tankers before drinking, brushing teeth or using in food preparation – bringing water to a rolling boil is sufficient to kill bugs.
If you cannot boil water, treat it by adding 1 teaspoon of household bleach per 10 litres of water and leave for 30 minutes.
It’s important to follow this advice to protect your health.
If you don’t have mains water (i.e. your water that comes from a spring, river, roof or well) and you think it has been affected by surface run-off, don’t use it for drinking purposes. If it appears clear but you are still unsure, it can be made safe by boiling or adding bleach as above.
Water tanks that were filled before the heavy rain and have not pumped new water from a ground water supply (spring, stream/river or well) since, can be used as normal.
If in any doubt about your water supply, boil or treat it before consuming.
Page last updated: 18 July 2021
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