Sunday 14 May 2017Media release2 minutes to read
The West Coast DHB has confirmed that no staff will lose their jobs immediately as a result of the recent Laundry Service change proposal.
The recent consultation proposed the disestablishment of the West Coast District Health Board on-site laundry service. That included:
Canterbury and West Coast District Health Board Support Services Manager Rachel Cadle says the changes were mooted in anticipation of operating a new a roll-on| roll off linen service in the new Grey health facility. The agreed new service will improve health and safety for WCDHB staff with a reduction in heavy lifting and improve infection control measures with a reduction in double handling.
Patient clothing will continue to be laundered on site as now, with laundry staff undertaking those duties.
When the new facility opens, there will be a new role at that time to undertake residual laundry service tasks such as laundering patient clothing. Current laundry staff will be able to apply for that role, or offered redeployment options.
Page last updated: 17 April 2019
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