Tuesday 21 December 2021Health news4 minutes to read
West Coast DHB’s Director of Allied Health, Scientific and Technical, Jane George, said that an all of health system approach has been taken to ensure that the necessary systems and processes are in place to enable us to provide clinical and welfare support to anyone with COVID-19 on the West Coast.
“We have been very fortunate to have an amazing team of people working across health, wellbeing, iwi and other support services to ensure that anyone who contracts COVID-19 on the Coast will be well supported, whether they are self-isolating in their own home or are being cared for in supported isolation accommodation.
Senior Responsible Officer for COVID-19 at West Coast DHB, Philip Wheble, said most people with COVID-19 are likely to have a mild illness.
“It’s really important that people take the time to learn about what they need to do to prepare themselves. It’s also vital that people isolating at home know who and when to call for help if their health deteriorates,” Philip Wheble says.
We now have a dedicated COVID-19 Care in the Community page on our website. (Update 5 March 2024: This page has now been removed.)
“This site provides useful information on practical things we can all do now to ensure we are all ready for when COVID-19 is in our community, along with guidance for those who are self-isolating and resources for community support providers.
“If you are taking a break over the summer holidays, now is a good time to ensure you have a plan in place that covers off what you’ll do if you or one of your whānau catches COVID-19. It’s important to consider what extra things you may need to pack, what you need to plan for at home should you have to stay away longer than expected and how you and your whānau can isolate if you needed to.
The new section on our website also provides links to information on what it means to be a close, casual, or household close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and there’s also information on what to expect and who can support you after you’ve tested positive,” Mr Wheble said.
“Remember, the best thing we can all do to protect ourselves, our whānau and our communities is to be fully vaccinated, including having a booster dose if it’s six months since you had your second dose of Pfizer vaccine.
Vaccinations will be available at our Greymouth clinic over the three days in between Christmas and New Year. Vaccination clinic details are available online – here.
“When you are out and about remember: Mask, Scan and Pass – wear your mask, scan in everywhere you go, and show your COVID-19 pass when you need to.
“It makes the job of contact tracers so much easier when you have a good record of where you have been. Once we start getting cases in the community, we’ll all start receiving alerts to say we’ve been at a Location of Interest – it’s important to follow the public health advice provided.
If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms, please arrange to get tested immediately and remain isolated at home or in the accommodation you are staying in. This advice extends to anyone even if they haven’t visited any of the locations of interest. If you’re not sure what you should do, please call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice.
Remember, testing is free but before you come in for a test, please call ahead to your general practice team or Healthline to arrange a suitable time. Contact details of West Coast GP practices are available online – https://www.wcdhb.health.nz/your-health/find-and-enrol-at-a-health-center/
“Under the ORANGE traffic light setting people who are vaccinated can enjoy a lot of freedoms – with masks, so here’s to having a safe and enjoyable summer holiday catching up and socialising with whānau and friends,” Mr Wheble said.
Page last updated: 5 March 2024
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