Monday 16 January 2017Media release1 minute to read
The West Coast District Health Boards wants to reassure patients that the Grey and Westport sexual health clinics continue to operate as usual.
A recent article about the pending closure of the Greymouth Family Planning Clinic has caused some confusion, Grey / Westland Interim General Manager Philip Wheble says.
“The DHB's sexual health clinics are a separate free and confidential service available to all New Zealanders. The clinics offer assessment, diagnosis and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and other sexual health conditions, and also provide pregnancy testing, advice and referrals (including abortion referrals),” Mr Wheble says.
“Smears (if due) are done as part of the STI screen and the only contraception provision available is the emergency contraceptive pill and condoms. The sexual health service can also provide off-site education and screening as required.”
Sexual health clinic details:
The Link Clinic, 1st Floor, Grey Hospital, GREYMOUTH.
Monday: 2.30 – 6 pm drop in clinic (need to be there by 5.30pm) Ph (03) 769 7400 ext 2874 (clinic hours only).
Outpatients, Buller Hospital
WEDNESDAY 10.30 – 11.30 am appointments, then drop in clinic till 4.30pm (last appointment 4pm). Ph (03) 788 9030 ext 8756 (clinic hours only).
Public HealthService changesService interruptionsSexual health
Page last updated: 17 April 2019
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