Friday 1 May 2020Facilities News2 minutes to read
Following recent discussions with the Ministry of Health, we will begin the 10-week operational readiness phase in preparation for the move to Te Nīkau Grey Hospital and Health Centre on Monday, 11 May 2020,” West Coast DHB’s Chief Executive David Meates says.
“The operational readiness phase is the period of time where we will be getting the facility ready.
This will include a thorough facility clean followed by equipment installation, stocking of consumables and clinical supplies as well as completing information technology infrastructure works.”
“To support our on-going planning and preparation, we will review our operational readiness progress on Monday, 25 May 2020. We will use this time to identify where we may need to allocate additional resources, for example, this might include contracting in additional support to assist in the installation of equipment.”
“The decision regarding our readiness to proceed to the migration phase which includes moving to the new facility will be made on Wednesday, 10 June 2020. At this time, we will be able to confirm the anticipated ‘go live’ date which is when the new facility will become operational and staff and patients will all have moved in,” Mr Meates says.
The operational readiness and migration timeframe is subject to change as it is dependent on factors such as our ongoing response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, the existing Grey Base Hospital will need to remain ready to respond to any local developments that may arise while we continue to operate under the current alert level system.
“This is an exciting time for the West Coast Health System and we are looking forward to preparing Te Nīkau Hospital and Health Centre for our West Coast community,” says Mr Meates.
FacilitiesGrey Base HospitalGreymouthService changesTe Nīkau Grey Hospital and Health Centreupdate
Page last updated: 26 June 2020
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