1080: I am enquiring about whether there is testing of the public other than workers who deal with the hazardous substance Sodium-fluoroacetate (1080)? When you read data going back 20 years it should be of great concern and especially since the West coast applications of Aerial 1080 are at the highest. I know urine samples are taken from workers and have returned with positive readings. Land care results also shows 1080 is in the food chain. So what is done to insure 1080 exposure has not affected residents in areas of operations? Or just the general public. If I was a resident living in the West Coast could I go to my GP and ask for a test ? If I feel 1080 exposure may have affected me through my water how would I confirm this ? If I was breastfeeding my baby how would this effect my child ? 2008 Ministry of Health publications says , to date there are no epidemiology studies that have been carried out in relation to 1080 and Potential adverse effects and health effects on humans. Why?