RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9304
I refer to your email dated 2 May 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB.
- A breakdown by specialty, of the number of orthopaedic FSA referrals received by the WCDHB, and the number of rejections, since June 30 last year, and for the preceding year.
The orthopaedic department simply records referrals to the service in its own right. It does not separate out by sub specialty type for the purposes of recording first specialist appointments. We are therefore unable to provide you any data broken down by specialty within orthopaedics as requested, and decline to answer this aspect of your enquiry under Section 18 (f) of the Official Information Act i.e.: “…that the information requested cannot be made available without substantial collation or research”. However what we are able to provide to help with your enquiry is data for the overall orthopaedic service itself.
More info provided in the downloadable document.