Note: Rates in this brochure haven’t yet been updated, but you can check the correct rates on the National website linked to just below.
This pack is designed to make that process a little bit smoother and provide you with some useful information.
Please note: In April 2024 there have been changes to the NTA scheme, including changes in mileage rates and various other rates. The info about this is currently getting updated on the document linked to here. For further details while our document is getting updated please navigate to NTA updated info on the Health NZ website.
Since January 1 this year:
1. How many times has Buller Health requested an ambulance from St John for patient transport?
2. How many times has the provision of an ambulance been delayed?
3. What has been the reason for each delay (ie ambulance already in use, no staff available)?
4. What has been the maximum delay time?
5. How many times has no ambulance been available and alternative transport arrangements been made?
6. What were those alternative transport arrangements?
7. How many times has proposed ambulance transport been replaced by helicopter transport because of road conditions?
Transfers from Buller Hospital to Grey Hospital in 2019/2020 and costs.
Showing 1-3 of 3 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 19 August 2024
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