In February the careers page on the link supplied showed all the services that were offered at the Buller Health (Buller Hospital). We are seeking the list of services that the page stated were on offer at Buller Medical.
RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9327
I refer to your email dated 22 July 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act from West Coast DHB.
Number of unfilled vacancies as at November 2018. Impact on Health Targets due to staff shortages. Complaints related to impacts of unfilled vacancies.
The number of projected unfilled Resident Medical officer (RMO) positions at the DHB as of 10 December 2018
Staffing in Acute Mental Health Units, years of experience, vacancies, maximum capacity patients in unit, Number of times above capacity
Showing 1-5 of 5 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 2 February 2021
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