All serious adverse events are reviewed through a formal process in order to analyse our existing health practices and systems. The purpose of reviewing these is to provide sufficient feedback to patients and families so they are aware of any contributing factors and causes of the event and how the DHB intends to make our systems safer.
Instructions on how to use the MAX app on the WCDHB Intranet to make an employee expanse claim.
The purpose of the Pacific People Support fund is to enhance the likelihood of the Pacific workforce successfully completing HWNZ funded training programmes by providing Pacific Peoples support that is culturally competent and technically relevant to the training programme.
Amount spent on recruiting staff in 2018 compared to previous years. Occupations. Total salary spend for each occupation.
The number of children eligible for the free dental service in DHB’s coverage area for 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
The purpose of this document is to:
• Provide a common framework for planning, prioritising, structuring and delivering health services during, and recovering from, any emergency affecting the health of the people of the West Coast.
• Define and allocate roles and responsibilities as well as the relationships necessary to implement this plan.
• Incorporate, by reference, supporting WCDHB plans/documents and those of health providers that form part of this plan.
• Meet contractual or legal obligations and be consistent with the requirements of Ministry of Health & Civil Devence
Focus on People is West Coast DHB’s special newsletter, published at the end of every year.
This special 2018 edition once again shares with our wider community special achievements and stories on the beautiful West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island. We invite you to all celebrate with us!
State Services Commission Inquiry into the Use of External Security Consultants
The number of projected unfilled Resident Medical officer (RMO) positions at the DHB as of 10 December 2018
Information regarding surgical mesh procedures and the surgeons who conduct them
All correspondence relating to Westport IFHC from 1 August – 1 October 2018
All correspondence relating to Westport IFHC from 1 June – 1 August 2018
Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board meeting Friday 14 December 2018
Correspondence relating to Westport IFHC April-May 2018
Consumer Council Agenda – 10 December 2018
Consumer Council Minutes – 10 December 2018
Tatau Pounamu Advisory Group meeting papers for 12 December 2018 meeting at Poutini Waiora, Hokitika
All serious adverse events are reviewed through a formal process in order to analyse our existing health practices and systems. The purpose of reviewing these is to provide sufficient feedback to patients and families so they are aware of any contributing factors and causes of the event and how the DHB intends to make our systems safer.
How much of a contribution to the National Oracle Solution, if any, is the West Coast DHB currently carrying on their books?
How many rounds of chemotherapy is a patient entitled to under the DHB?
Suicide clusters and spikes since May 2018
Cost to DHB of implementing the National Oracle Solution
Instances when the DHB or PHO has used social media influencers or celebrities in any campaigns / promotions / internal messages during the last five years. And Cost
How many people have sought help for video gaming addiction / gaming disorder during last five years?
How much has been spent on staff redundancies at DHB 2017/2018
Buller Health Locums GPs and Nurses
Mothers and babies average length of stay in West Coast DHB birthing facilities
Number of people referred to DHB for gender reassignment hormone therapy since 2006 until the present time
All correspondence to and from WCDHB Board and staff re Westport Integrated Family Health Centre since April 2018 (a)
Buller Integrated Health Floor Plan, Revision G.
The purpose of this report is to seek the Board’s confirmation and support to a schedule of meetings for the Board and its Committees, both statutory and non-statutory, for the 2019 calendar year as required by the NZ Health and Public Disability Act 2000.
All correspondence to and from WCDHB Board and staff re Westport Integrated Family Health Centre since April 2018
Surgery cancellation rates in year ending June 2018
Number of people left brain damaged by ECT in past ten years
How many Urogynaecological mesh procedures were undertaken at your DHB in the past year?
Re implementation by the Board of a zero suicide aspirational policy or goal
All information re complaints made over last three years: Complaints: Patients against Staff, Staff against Patients and Staff against Staff.
Tatau Pounamu Advisory Group meeting papers for 19 October 2018 meeting
Showing 1-40 of 89 results, page 1 of 3.
Page last updated: 26 November 2019
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